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Welcome to the Municipal Court Clerks' Council Website

Hello and welcome!  The Georgia Municipal Court Clerks’ Council, a non-profit association, would like to welcome you to this website. The Georgia Municipal Court Clerks’ Council is here to assist fellow Court clerks as well as provide assistance and guidance to the general public.  It is our sincere hope that this website will provide you with the information you are looking for and if it does not please let us know.  As the largest class of court in the Georgia, we recognize that most people that come into contact with the court system will do so through a municipal court and because of that this resource exists. 

With nearly 400 Municipal Courts across the State, the Court's missions are to adjudicate cases fairly and to make every effort to provide the best customer service. Along the same lines the Mission of municipal court clerks in Georgia is threefold: (1) to assure the administrative efficiency of the court, (2) to protect the court’s ethical integrity, and (3) to help maintain public confidence in the court’s fairness in dispensing justice impartially.
Again we hope that this web presence will assist you in providing the information that you were looking for and we thank you for visiting this site.

If you are a company looking to showcase your product(s) to the clerks please click the vendor link below to be directed to the vendor registration page.

Georgia Municipal Court Clerks Week 2025


June  9-13, 2025

Proclaimed and issued, by Governor Brian Kemp on January 27, 2025, the Georgia Municipal Court Clerks Council is excited to announce Municipal Court Clerks Week for the State of Georgia.

We hope that city councils and communities throughout Georgia will use this week to show appreciation for the dedicated Municipal Court Clerks who encompass the Georgia municipal courts across this state.  Municipal Court Clerks Week is a great time to not only recognize how much municipal court clerks do, but share with your city leaders and the public the important role that court clerks play in the local criminal justice system.

GMCCC encourages all cities to adopt the attached model resolution in recognition of Municipal Court Clerks Week.

All cities that adopt the resolution and notify GMCCC of its adoption will be recognized in a future edition of The Clerks Docket.
If your city adopts the resolution or holds an event in recognition, please share that with Publications Committee Interim Chair Mallory Minor.

You can also find a sample resolution using this link:

2025 Municipal Court Clerks Week Sample Resolution

Court Ware Solutions Donates to Scholarship Fund-b.jpg

Court Ware Solutions generously donated a $500 scholarship to the Lori Whorton-Spence Scholarship Fund during the clerk training at the Callaway Gardens conference. GMCCC would like to thank them for this gift and support of the Georgia municipal court clerks ongoing professional training.

Each $5 or $10 donation, when combined with other clerks' gifts, will add up to another scholarship.  So invest in each other and provide clerks in smaller cities and counties the opportunity to receive the state mandated training.